CEL-I637 - SAMSUNG AB823450CAB 3.7v 1200 mAh LION Replacement Battery by BatteryTex

Price: $16.86

Replacement for:SAMSUNG
Battery Model:AB823450CAB

Battery Specifications and Description

Replacement for: SAMSUNG    Battery/Item: CEL-I637
Model/Product: AB823450CAB    Volts: 3.7
mAh or Ah: 1200    Composition: LION
Dimension:     Connector:

samsung, a well-known industry leading battery manufacturer, presents the ab823450cab battery replacement. from their high-quality construction - the ab823450cab replacement battery shows samsung as a brand you can trust. plus samsung's specs have been equaled or surpassed in its construction. with thousands of batteries to choose from and extremely low prices you'll see why batterytex is your one-stop-shop for replacement batteries. thanks for choosing batterytex for your battery needs. batterytex (m-tronics) is a family-owned battery supplier since 1977. give us a call with any questions or for information on bulk discounts - 1-888-825-6661. here cellular batteries and accessories batteries at great prices. see more great products by manufacturer: samsung today's batteries go above and beyond featuring greater technology, manufacturing and materials while decreasing their cost. standard battery warranties from the manufacturer are for one year. contact us for more information.