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Price: $14.92

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when you need headset batteries that can put out the power you require then the pbh-8w global replacement battery is the ideal choice. count on the pbh-8w when you need quality and durability. plus global's specs have been equaled or surpassed in its construction., an industry leader in replacement batteries - featuring some of the lowest online rates available. great replacement batteries, great prices, every day from batterytex (m-tronics) is a family-owned battery supplier since 1977. give us a call with any questions or for information on bulk discounts - 1-888-825-6661. if you need another headset batteries battery click here to view our selection. check out more great items for global products. batteries are judged on how strong they are, how long they last and how well they're built. our batteries meet all of these qualifications and with amazing prices as well! most all of our batteries have a one year warranty unless otherwise specified. please feel free to contact us for actual battery warranty information. ** LEAD WIRES ONLY ***********************